Intro Through a Window
I was born during homo-sapiens greatest era, the 90’s. Just kidding. On a stormy April night on 1993 I took my first breath. Was it a miracle? Some would say so. But, it’s just basic health care and doctors doing what they were trained for. As for being a miracle, my father was and still is highly abusive both mentally and physically. During my mother’s pregnancy he used to frequently hit her and even had serious consideration for aborting me. Luckily (or rather unluckily), my parents are from a misogynistic culture that values males over females just by having a poker only. Knowing these facts I still don’t consider it to be a miracle. A human female body has evolved to ensure the womb is one of the most secure places during a pregnancy.
If they did go ahead and abort me, it would rather solve quiet a few problems until now. Right off the top of my head I would not contribute to overpopulating this planet. I would not waste resources, nor create any new waste as a result of utilizing and discarding resources to supplement my existence. Secondly, on a more personal level it would save me the trouble from all the mental damages I have accumulated. On a more personal level it would save me the trouble from all the mental damage I have accumulated throughout my life. I have had some great memories throughout my life, however, I was subjected to absurd abuses and rituals as well. Of course, that includes indoctrination into one of the most toxic religions, Islam.
One of the last major issues my non-existence would solve would be not having to navigate through the ridiculous cultures and norms that human society has created and enforced on each other. People who tend to break away from such herd mentality and, begin to question everything from a scientific and logical point of view, are shunned. There are exceptions of course. To have bold ideas and be accepted by majority an individual must meet just one category, that is just be financially stronger than 99% of the rest of human populations wealth combined.
I myself, am not revolutionary. I follow many trends. Trends that makes sense like scientific research, data conservation and recycling resources, engineering marvels, humanity and compassion towards one another.
Join me as I take you through every facet of my life. From indoctrination, physical and mental abuse while being raised in a third world muslim majority country, to escaping to the U.S. and finally being able to start a family with my long time girlfriend and now wife.